Whether you already own a business or you’re just setting up shop, you need to think about how you can ensure that it is accessible to everybody. This will be great for business since you’re able to widen your client base and ensure that all of your customers leave happy.
Making your store disability friendly may seem like an expensive feat. However, there are ways to make your shop accessible without breaking the bank, and widening your customer base will be great for business in the long-term.
Access Between Floors
One of the things that put people off a store is if they struggle to climb stairs but there are multiple floors. If you have different levels in your building, then you need to make sure that everyone is able to go between them. Investing in an escalator or an elevator can be extremely costly and may require regular maintenance.
Instead, you should invest in the much more cost-friendly stairlift. If you’re worried that you may not be able to install one because your staircase has corners, at ALS we sell curved stairlifts that are a great option.
A Ramp
For access into the store, it’s important to have a ramp if there is a slight incline to get to the door. Within your shop, try and make sure that your aisles are wide enough for wheelchairs to get through, and even offer to lend wheelchairs to customers that may have difficulty walking but don’t have one of their own.
Designated Parking Spaces
Disabled parking spaces aren’t just for people to be closer to the entrance. The gap between cars is much wider than in a normal parking space, meaning that people are able to swing their legs around to get out or get into a wheelchair if they need to use one.
Offer Diversity Training to Employees
It’s unpleasant, but unfortunately not everyone knows how to treat a disabled individual and your staff may come across as rude or too nice, making your customers uncomfortable. Therefore, you shouldn’t just try and alter the building, you should also spend an hour or two training your staff to ensure that all of your customers leave happy.
Here at ALS Stairlifts, we understand how important it is to make your business accessible to all of your customers, and your home a place that all of your family is able to visit. Our friendly and professional team will be able to help you find the best stairlift for your needs and for your business.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 0800 046 3438 and a member of our friendly team will be happy to help.