If you’re considering purchasing a stairlift you’ll probably be looking at the various stair lift pros and cons. While a stairlift can offer you more freedom in your home, it also makes you more dependent on a mobility aid. So if you can manage to navigate the stairs without risk to your safety, it’s a good form of home exercise. This is particularly important if you’re not getting much exercise elsewhere.
A stair lift carries a cost too, so it’s useful to weigh up the various alternatives to a stairlift, such as moving to a bungalow. But if you’ve been in your home for a while, a house move might be out of the question, and moving home might even carry a higher cost than a stairlift!
So here are some pros and cons of purchasing a stair lift.
Stair Lift Pros And Cons – Pro: Freedom
Of course the simplest pro of getting a stairlift is that it gives you the freedom to move about your house, if you’re having mobility problems. A stairlift can be the simplest solution to an injury, a physical condition or simply the loss of mobility as you age.
The potential downside of getting a stairlift is that it makes you more dependent on it and therefore less mobile over time. If you depend on a stairlift for navigating the stairs, you’re potentially missing out on the opportunity to improve physically and get regular exercise in your home.
Often as we slow down the small daily movements we make in our homes are the best forms of exercise we get! So unless you’re definitely unable to use the stairs safely this is definitely a consideration to take on board.
Stair Lift Pros And Cons – Pro: Safety
Falls on stairs are one of the most common causes of injury in the home and can be a significant danger. A stairlift is an obvious solution if you’re in any doubt. Obviously if you’re unsafe on the stairs a stairlift is likely to be a priority. Stairlifts can give you the independence and self assurance you need if you’re struggling moving around your home.
Cons: Maintenance / Hazards
A stairlift requires very little upkeep in general. But still, it’s an extra responsibility to keep up with the cleanliness of your stairlift to assure it is working properly for your own personal safety while using it. Stairlift safety is important and while a stairlift should add to your safety, you still need to be mindful that it’s a potential hazard if you don’t use it properly or keep it clean and properly functional.
Pros: Peace Of Mind & Independence
Getting a stairlift can be great not only for you, but also for your family. If you’re struggling safely climbing or descending the stairs, a stairlift can give you the peace of mind that you won’t experience a fall. If you need constant supervision by a family member who is concerned about you, it limits them as well. So not only can a stair lift be great for you, but it can also give your family greater peace of mind that you’ll be safe in your home.
Cons: Loneliness
It can be difficult letting go of family members who are trying to help you and independence might also mean your family support is less forthcoming. This could be a potential reason you might hold back from getting a stairlift. Having support is comforting, and being independent might mean people are around less to help you out! A stairlift shouldn’t mean you’re going to be lonely though, only that you’re more independent and self reliant.
Stair Lift Pros And Cons: Stay In Your Home
If you’re considering a stair lift, a house move might be another consideration instead. But if you’ve been in a house for decades, a stairlift can mean you don’t have to move home to a more accessible house. With a stairlift, you can access the whole of your house. Another alternative to a stairlift is to move your bedroom downstairs, or install another toilet downstairs. A stairlift means you don’t have to do this.
Cons: Cost
Obviously a considerable downside of a stairlift is the cost. Most stairlifts cost upwards of £1500 with fitting, depending on your staircase and home layout. Here at UK Stairlifts we offer reconditioned stairlifts from as little as £990. So cost doesn’t have to be prohibitive. However depending on your situation the cost of a stairlift can be a major consideration as to whether you invest in one or not.
Give us a call to discuss any concerns you might have or to book an assessment. Call us on 0800 046 3438 or visit our contact page and leave your details.