Deciding when to start benefiting from mobility aids can sometimes be obvious. Whether it be after an operation and you need help getting around or you are simply finding it too difficult to manoeuvre comfortably around your home, you may have already considered investing in a mobility aid.
However, it’s not always as noticeable and you may just put it down to not feeling good or not getting enough rest. If getting up to make yourself a cup of tea is becoming increasingly more difficult, it may be a good time to think about getting help with your mobility. After all, everyone is worthy of a good cup of tea!
As leading providers of curved stairlifts, we know just how beneficial mobility aids can be. The sooner you can benefit from them, the easier your life will become. In this blog post we are going to look at when is the right time to accept the help in the form of a mobility aid, and the benefits of the aids that are available.
When Should You Start?
If you are finding everyday activities becoming more and more difficult for you to achieve, whether it is because it hurts too much, or you just simply can’t manage to complete it, you might want to think about mobility aids.
With many different aids on the market to help with a whole host of activities, there will be something to help you. The earlier you decide on investing in a mobility aid the better; there will be less chance of doing an injury to yourself when trying to perform a task that you are having trouble completing. Your safety is of the utmost importance and that is what should influence your decision when it comes to benefiting from the help of mobility aids.
At first you may think that having a mobility aid will make people lose confidence in your independent abilities, but in actual fact, these aids will give you back some of the confidence you may have lost and will give you back your independence in your own home.
What Aids Are Available?
There are so many aids available, it’s near on impossible to find an activity that there isn’t an aid for. Not just mobility aids either, there are items that help you complete simple everyday tasks, such as medication reminders and kettle tippers to help you make that all important cup of tea without risk of dropping the kettle and severely injuring yourself.
There is a huge range of mobility aids that are dedicated to make getting around a lot easier. From walking frames to stairlifts to hand rails that you can install pretty much anywhere in your home, there is a solution for you. If you are particularly unsteady on your feet, these aids will help you be able to navigate your home in a safe manner, while giving you back the confidence to be able to move around your own home.
Age Isn’t Everything
Aids aren’t exclusively available for the elderly. If you feel as though you could benefit from a mobility aid, go ahead and reap those benefits! No mobility aid has an age requirement and you should never feel like you are too young to use one if you need it.
Whatever difficulty you are experiencing, you can be sure that there is an aid out there to help you combat it. Here at ALS Stairlifts, we specialise in supplying and installing high quality stairlifts to allow you to gain back the freedom of your home; both up and downstairs. If you would like any information on any of our products or the services that we provide, please don’t delay in contacting us today by calling 0800 046 3438 where you will be able to talk to one of our dedicated team members who will be happy to help you.