Exercising when you have a mobility issue, whether because of an illness like Parkinson’s or because of an accident, for example, is important for your overall health. If you can stand, you should consider low-impact exercise like Tai Chi, gentle walking or water workouts using flotation aids. However, if you feel that’s beyond you, there are some simple exercises you can do to improve your cardiovascular fitness, strength and flexibility.
Exercising With Mobility Issues: Before You Start
You’ll need to make sure you have some or all of the following to get the most of out seated exercise:
- A stable armchair
- Resistance bands, frisbee rings, wrist and/or ankle weights
- Some to assist you
- Some music you enjoy
When you’re doing your exercises, always try to engage your core muscles by pulling your belly button back towards your spine.
Hula Hands
Place the frisbee rings (or very small hula hoops) around your wrists and make small circles with your arms in time to the music so the frisbees start to spin. Go backwards and forwards and remember to keep it gentle and gradually build the intensity.
Exercising With Mobility Issues: Seated (or Laid-Down) Dancing
There are no set rules for this exercise, it’s simply moving in any way you like to the music. Kick or tap your feet, wave your arms in the air or gyrate your hips. The important thing is to move to the music in whatever way you can. If mobility allows, you could try using a gym ball, otherwise stay seated or lie down, whichever is most comfortable.

Punch the Air
This is a good cardiovascular exercise and a great warm up exercise. Simply punch your arms in front of you with as much speed as you can. Alternate arms and aim for 10-30 repetitions, being careful not to lock your elbows. Now repeat, this time jabbing towards the ceiling or as high as you can. As you gradually increase your strength, add wrist weights, or even hold two cans, for greater impact.
If limited mobility is becoming an issue for you, then a stairlift can enable you to move around your home more easily. At ALS Stairlifts, we can help you decide on the right choice of stairlift for your needs, so why not contact us or call us today on 0800 046 3438 for our expert advice.