How can you improve your circulation? It’d be an understatement to say that your circulatory system is integral to your health and wellbeing; it’s more accurate to say that it’s the network of organs keeping you alive and allowing you to read this blog post.
At its broadest level, the circulatory system allows blood to flow around your body carrying plenty of important elements, such as oxygen and nutrients. Issues with bad circulation, therefore, could result in a variety of conditions such as high blood pressure, varicose veins, and even strokes.
At ALS Stair Lifts, our customers come to us for a variety of reasons – one of them being because of conditions caused by bad circulation. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of suggestions to help improve the way blood flows around your body. If you’re looking for tweaks to your lifestyle that may assist in your path to better circulation, then the six small changes below could be a good stepping stone to improvement.
How Can I Improve My Circulation? Good Shoes Take You to Good Places
Looking for an excuse to go shopping? Well, you may be in luck with our first suggestion!
A bad pair of shoes that restricts your feet could lead to all sorts of problems with your tootsies, including making it harder for blood to get to those hard-to-reach places. The right pair of shoes on the other hand (or foot) can really help with circulation as it can reduce the impact of each step. Wherever you choose to purchase your new footwear from, try to find a knowledgeable member of the team who can help you out.
Better still, buy your shoes from a specialist or a chiropodist!

How Can I Improve My Circulation? Strike A Pose
Spinal alignment can be key to how good or poor your circulation is, so a little TLC for the back could reap tremendous rewards.
If you sit down often; whether that be at home, work, or out and about, attempt to become more aware of your posture and attempt the following for a revamp:
- Consciously make an effort to sit up straight with your shoulders back. Your buttocks should reach the back of the chair you’re sitting on
- Ensure that your weight is distributed evenly across both of your hips or sides of your body
- Keep your feet flat on the ground with your knees either level or very slightly higher than your hips
And voila! You’re poised to circulatory perfection.
Switch Your Coffee for Something Tea-lightful
Unfortunately for all you coffee connoisseurs out there, caffeine could have a negative effect on your circulation if drunk in high quantities. This pick-me-up in a mug is a stimulant and causes our heart rates to elevate.
However, unless you’re drinking 80 ounces a day (around 6 regulars from high street coffee chains), it’s unlikely to be problematic. Just be wary of reaching for energy drinks that often house higher proportions than your favourite slow-roasted beans.
Supercharge Your Salads
Not everything you put into your body is bad news for your circulation – the list of vegetables and salad ingredients that can improve your heart and circulation is rather lengthy. Bell peppers, onions, and celery, you could be on the way to great circulation.
Every part of your body needs water to run smoothly, but even more so water can really help in your circulation. You can use an online hydration calculator to find out how much water you should be drinking each day. If you would like to cut down on your caffeine intake, try switching to green tea or decaf.
Ensuring that you are aware of any issues with your circulation is crucial to stave off any undesirable conditions, so make sure that you book an appointment with your GP for a one-to-one diagnosis if you’re worried.
A stair lift can help with mobility around the house and give a break when circulation is bad. By combining these tips with the assistance of a stair lift you could make life much easier.