If your stairlift keeps beeping it could be a number of things. Refer to your user manual in the first instance as this is the easiest way to diagnose a problem. According to your make and model a beeping stairlift could signify a few problems such as:
- Low batteries – stairlifts use rechargeable batteries. Check that your stairlift is plugged in properly to the mains socket and that it’s charging correctly in its correct charging place.
- Obstruction – stairlifts have sensors around their base which notify you of an obstruction while travelling. Could there be something stuck in the path of the stairlift?
- Faulty Sensor – Stairlifts sensors can malfunction over time. This might be a job for a stairlift technician. See our stairlift services maintenance and repair page. Or give us a call on 0800 046 3438.
- Stairlift is turned off – either at the mains power, or on the switch on the unit. Check both. There should be a switch on the main stairlift unit, usually under the chair somewhere.
My Stairlift Keeps Beeping – Most Common Problem
The most common reason a stairlift is beeping is a low battery. This could mean the battery isn’t charging for some reason, or it needs replacing completely. More likely your battery isn’t getting any “juice” from the mains. If it’s not charging properly it will eventually run flat.
Quick Checks – check these common faults first:
- Not plugged into the mains, or not switched on at the mains – check the mains socket and that your stairlift is plugged in and turned on.
- You’re not leaving your stairlift at the charging point – when your stairlift was installed, you will have been told the charging point where the chair should sit when at rest. If you don’t leave it in the charging point, it won’t be charging properly.
- Not switched on at the chair base – check the on/off switch on the stairlift itself, it should be in the on position. You’ll usually find this switch on the chair base, under the seat somewhere.
Check if the charging contacts need a clean on your charging position, too. This can happen over time if there’s an accumulation of dirt stopping the lift from charging properly. Just give them a wipe and make sure they are clean.
My Stairlift Keeps Beeping – Fault Codes
If there’s a fault code which appears on your stairlift, this can be for a number of reasons. It can mean there’s something more problematic than simply plugging it in or placing it in the right charging position.
Fault codes can light up due to obstructions, battery function, power outages, incorrect seat position, motor faults, safety edges and a number of other reasons. If you have checked the basic functions of your lift as mentioned above, and you cannot diagnose the problem, it’s probably the job of a skilled technician.
Here at UK Stairlifts we offer maintenance, servicing and repairs for stairlifts around the Uk. Give us a call on 0800 046 3438 and chat with one of our team. We can have someone out unusually within a day, sometimes sooner depending on our availability in your area. We may also be able to help you over the phone if it’s a simple fix.
My Stairlift Keeps Beeping – Check Your Smoke Alarm!
On the odd occasion we have had someone tell us their stairlift is beeping only to come out to a smoke alarm chirping in the background! While this isn’t a common problem, it’s definitely worth checking if the beeping sound is definitely coming from your stairlift, and not some other household appliance!
Check other appliances too, such as your cooker, washer, microwave and devices with alarms on them. An alarm on a cooker, or some other appliance can easily be mistaken for a stairlift alert!
Your stairlift is important and provides a means of staying independent and mobile in your home, so we know how frustrating it can be when it stops working properly. If you find your stairlift is beeping continuously, the most common faults are:
- The battery – isn’t being charged properly – make sure your stairlift is switched on at the mains and on the chair (usually there’s a switch under the seat). Check that it is in the charging position when at rest. You can also check the charging points and clean them with a damp cloth to make sure they are connecting properly.
- Obstruction – check there’s nothing obstructing the chairlift which may be triggering a safety sensor on the chair carriage.
If you’ve gone through all the check points in this post, and still can’t stop your stairlift from beeping, give us a call on 0800 046 3438 – we may be able to help diagnose the fault over the phone, or if need be, send out one of our engineers to help.